The Best Alternative To Your Current PIM

Next-gen B2B PIM Solution

Driving Business Results with a Future-Ready PIM

Future-ready PIM – Digital commerce is no outlier when it comes to Darwinian theories of evolution. The formula to survive and to thrive in the biological world is simple – evolve or perish. The rules in the digital commerce world are no different. Survival and success in digital commerce is not just about leveraging the latest technology, it’s about adapting and realigning existing technologies and strategy to make the most of the prevalent ecosystem.

In an unmanned digital commerce ecosystem, product data is the only sales and brand representative that gives the customer the confidence in purchase. Product Data is the foundation of digital commerce and PIM platform enables end-to-end product data lifecycle management. Product information management (PIM) is a centralized platform to create, store, manage and enrich product data in a way that improves the customer experience. The desired outcome is overarching; it covers everything from time-to-market to information completeness, engaging product experience across channels and data governance.

“PIM is a gestation engine where products mature from conception to a state where they are polished and ready to be marketed and sold” – Forrester
The Best Alternative To Your Current PIM

Learn more about Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud and how it can drive business outcomes with our Digital Commerce Playbook!

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PIM does sound like a no-brainer for any business, but things are not always as simple. Companies that stick to traditional PIM solutions often find themselves with more problems than solutions; and for many, it’s not even something that is financially viable.

Are You Facing Problems With Your Legacy, On-Premise PIM?

Let’s take a look at some of the key deterrents of PIM adoption to understand why many companies fail to take off in the digital space:


Traditional PIM systems are monolithic. They are designed with highly rigid capabilities that may or may not suit a company’s individual requirements. These systems take a one-size-fits-all approach. As a result, companies are forced to invest more in alternative or additional software that provides more features and functionalities that the existing PIM doesn’t offer; and this is what brings us to the next pain point.

Low Cost-Efficacy:

Traditional PIM systems cost a bomb by themselves. And as mentioned in the above point, their inflexibility only adds to costs further. While larger companies may be able to afford this, diminishing ROI and market share means that the juice is not worth the squeeze.

Complex UX:

Old school PIM systems are a nightmare to use, at least for the technologically uninitiated. While these systems may be powerful from the technological point of view, they are not designed keeping in mind the end user – which is normally content teams, merchandisers, buying assistants and so on.

Limited Capabilities:

While traditional PIMs may solve the data silo problem to some extent, they fall flat from the end-to-end point of view. Data ingestion is usually manual, digital assets needs to be maintained and managed separately, and distribution is equally painstaking. This opens the door to both, data silos and process silos

Implementation Challenges:

Delayed data migration and ingestion, complex user experience (UX), slow onboarding, need for a System Integrator to set up the PIM and the processes leads to delayed and staggered onboarding. In most cases, the PIM is not use to its fullest capability and most of its functions remain unused due to complexity and non-intuitive user interface.

The Next-Gen PIM For The
New-Age Marketing Challenges

Right off the bat, we can safely say that Bluemeteor product content cloud is the best alternative to your current PIM. Product content cloud is highly flexible in terms of applications and functionalities, it is extremely easy to use, and offers users an expanded range of possibilities with automated syndication , marketplace and distribution channel integration and digital asset management . The best bit, the solution is highly cost effective, enables faster deployment and onboarding, and delivers much more value than a traditional, monolithic platform.

PIM Platform Comparison

  Bluemeteor Product Content CloudOTHERS

Industry’s first PIM, DAM & Data Syndication software on the cloud powered by AI & ML

Build product catalogs, optimize browse & search design, manage digital assets and syndicate product data with Speed, Scale & Efficiency .

 Schedule demo today

Driving Product Experience on the Cloud

As a native cloud software, Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud makes product data management accessible to all stakeholders irrespective of device or location. Cloud-based product data management rids businesses of the hassle of managing complex, cost-intensive infrastructure that is a must for traditional on-premise PIM solutions. This flexibility also means that the SaaS provides scalability for changing business needs without the challenges of expanding infrastructure. Again, while traditional PIM systems take forever to setup, Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud can be deployed almost instantly. Since it follows the basic tenets of cloud software, it is also intuitive and easy to use.

Another integral aspect of the Amaze advantage is automation. Bluemeteor Product Content Cloudlets businesses setup a centralized repository of product data, and automate and streamline processes to ensure high data accuracy with consistent, high-quality product content across multiple channels. This, in turn, frees up teams to focus on more strategic business objectives and innovation.

Building Intelligence into the Data Fabric

Astro – the AI driven recommendation engine gives businesses the ability to build fast and build smart. While AI capabilities have been growing in the digital commerce space, Astro takes things to the next level with a knowledge base of over 100 million SKUs. The recommendation engine leverages AI and ML to unleash automation in catalog building. As teams leverage this functionality to build industry specific catalogs, Astro is also learning and building on the knowledge base for refined, project specific outcomes. Product Content Clouds single platform solution with best-in-class features and functionalities makes it the best-alternative to legacy, on-premise PIM

Going Modular for a Headless Future

An increasing number of businesses are choosing to go headless with their SaaS solutions. This enables them to pick solutions specific to their unique requirements, and drive down costs by avoiding features and functionalities that their business may not require. While ABluemeteor Product Content Cloud can be leveraged as a suite of solutions (including PIM, DAM and syndication capabilities), businesses can also choose to go modular, opting for solutions that are specific to their business objectives. Team Amaze ensures that integration of these components with existing technologies is quick and seamless. We assimilate business requirements into our delivery strategy and provide setup and ongoing support to ensure your business always stays on the path to digital growth.

Another integral aspect of the Amaze advantage is automation. Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud lets businesses setup a centralized repository of product data, and automate and streamline processes to ensure high data accuracy with consistent, high-quality product content across multiple channels. This, in turn, frees up teams to focus on more strategic business objectives and innovation.

Win the digital shelf with the next-gen PIM. Schedule a demo today!

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