How distributors can survive the product data deluge and create powerful digital strategies



Distributors face a unique challenge of volume due to their thousands of manufacturer relationships and millions of product SKUs. In the digital age, the online customer demands consistent experiences, comprehensive product information, current data, and clear direction. Bluemeteor Product Content Cloudhelps distributors address this formidable task by making it easy for them to create enriched product information and distribute it across the relevant channels in a timely fashion to achieve better eCommerce outcomes.

Who is this for?

This use case applies to small and mid-sized product aggregators and distributors who have a wide portfolio of products from a variety of manufacturing partners.

These distributors sell through a complex network of salespeople, physical locations, sub-distributors, and online channels. This creates a complex scenario of maintaining consistent product information across all these channels to create a seamless omnichannel experience.

What are their challenges?

Typically, the distributors have a wide and deep product portfolio of millions of SKUs. Their customers traverse a complex journey. Even for the same decision, they may visit multiple channels and seek information. It is critical to ensure they get consistent and accurate information – irrespective of channel. Without the right information at the right stage, available in exactly the right manner, the buyer journey cannot progress, and the sale may be lost.

To achieve these objectives, distributors face several challenges such as

  • Information Inputs: Manually gathering information from hundreds of manufacturing partners is time-consuming, error-prone, effort-intensive, and introduces an unacceptable lag as products evolve.
  • Information Evolution: As new products and versions emerge; product information needs to be updated. It becomes impossible for the distributors to keep track of such necessary changes and updates across the channels inconsistent and fragmented.
  • Information Versions: For distributors selling across wide geographics, it is crucial to be able to present the product information in the format and manner most relevant for each specific region. Doing so manually is slow and prone to errors.
  • Information Disparity: The presence of different systems and technologies across the various members of the ecosystem, creates complexities in system integrations.

Because of these challenges, distributors find it hard to quickly onboard new manufacturers, go-to-market with products and create elevated and personalized experiences for their customers.

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Our Solution

Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud is the industry’s first intelligence-powered solution that gives businesses end-to-end control of their product data, experience design, and digital assets.

With Amaze, distributors can manage product content creation, merchandising design, product attribution design, digital asset management, syndication, and advanced intelligence through one product experience platform.

Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud allows distributors to –

  1. – Seamlessly onboard manufacturers without any manual intervention
  2. – Smoothly integrate with manufacturers’ systems to ensure up-to-date product data
  3. – Keep the product data customer-centric, always updated, and comprehensive data

Potential Benefits

By leveraging Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud, distributors can onboard manufacturer partners much faster without compromising on the quality of product information. They can scale their operations by automating key tasks related to product content management. needs of customers.

With Bluemeteor Product Content Cloud, distributors can-

  • Sell more products and build trust and confidence with buyers with a better product experience
  • Quickly launch new products
  • Engage buyers through an intuitive browse and search experience
  • Reduce efforts and costs
  • Increase customer loyalty, conversion, and average order size by delivering an elevated omnichannel customer experience
  • Drive conversions and increase sales
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