Amaze it on Amazon: Leveraging Amaze PXM to Boost Sales on Amazon!


Amaze it on Amazon: Leveraging Amaze PXM to Boost Sales on Amazon!


Amaze PXM gives businesses the power to manage product information from a centralized location and deliver top-notch product experiences on Amazon. The result: happy customers and a boost in sales.

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Amazon has as many as 1.9 million sellers doing business on the marketplace (Marketplace Pulse, 2021) which means that the competition is stiff. How does a business contend with this competition? The answer: Enhanced product experience.

What businesses need is a centralized platform to manage all the aspects that influence product experience, enabling them to meet the high standards set by Amazon and live up to customer expectations that come with it.

Amaze PXM gives businesses a fast and easy integration solution that allows them to turn the tide in their favor on Amazon.

A centralized point of control

As a next-gen PIM solution, Amaze PXM gives businesses an easy way to consolidate product data and control product content through various touchpoints.

Businesses can create content with ease and ensure that product data is in keeping with Amazon standards by leveraging better governance driven by features such as validation management and quality metrics.

Streamline processes for accelerated time-to-market

Being a one-stop shop for product data, Amaze PXM enables businesses to leverage workflow management and encourage better collaboration between teams.

Additionally, it also empowers teams with automated processes and governance mechanisms to maintain data quality, eliminate redundancy and accelerate the product data journey.

Automation all the way!

Whether its product onboarding or catalog building, Amaze PXM gives businesses the automation advantage with advanced capabilities.

For example, Amaze PXMs Bridge software irons out data syndication processes through automated onboarding. Whether its inbound or outbound product data, it allows businesses to set robust automation rules to normalize and streamline data to meet the required standards.

Enhanced content for customer engagement

Search capabilities play a major role in customer engagement. With Amaze PXM, businesses can enrich products with detailed attributes to promote faceted search.

Additionally, the platform also powers businesses with advanced digital asset management (DAM) capabilities. The module allows businesses to centralize the storage of all digital assets for better visibility and easier deployment for value-added customer experience.

A user-friendly platform

Unlike many other options for Amazon integration, Amaze PXM is easy to use and master. The platform features a simplified interface enabling easy access to all the elements that teams require to craft a better product experience. It ensures better collaboration across teams and eliminates interdepartmental silos that may slow down the product data journey.

In summation, Amaze PXM gives businesses a centralized platform to manage product experience effectively. It accelerates the product data journey to keep businesses ahead in the race and allows teams to deploy enriched product content and experiences that maximize shopper engagement. This results in better visibility on Amazon and drives margins and market share.

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